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How to Fix Bad Breath in Dogs

By TLC May 25, 2021 3 Min Read
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    What are the causes of bad breath in dogs?

    An irregularity in a dog’s diet is the most common cause of bad breath. An excessive amount of raw meat can trigger bad breath. Furthermore, giving your dogs table scraps and leftover food will not only cause bad breath but may trigger a bacterial infection.

    Indigestion can also cause bad breath in dogs. When the stomach is having difficulty breaking down the food, it tends to produce an excessive amount of stomach acid. This will cause acid reflux which may cause a sour smell in your dog’s breath.

    Just like with humans, oral hygiene and dental problems also cause bad breath. In general, you should brush your dog’s teeth at least thrice a week. Tartar and plaque buildup can cause rotten teeth, which may give out a very pungent odor. It’s also highly recommended that you train them to be comfortable with brushing during their early years.

    Bad breath can also be a precursor to kidney and liver disease. Such diseases affect the dog’s entire gastrointestinal functions, which is why they may experience bad breath, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    What are the remedies for bad breath in dogs?

    Ensuring proper digestion in dogs is one of the best ways to prevent bad breath. This can be done by adding probiotic digestive supplements to your dog’s daily routine. Proper digestion could reduce the risk of bad breath even if they have accidentally eaten prohibited foods. It will also minimize gastrointestinal problems such as acid reflux.



    Maintaining good oral hygiene is also a must. It’s best that you brush your dog’s teeth every other day with a dog toothpaste rich in fluorine. You can also pair that with fluorine-enriched dog chews. Giving your dogs a chunk of carrots to chew every once in a while, can help too.

    Gnawing carrots can remove plaque in the teeth. Aside from this, adding regulated amounts of calcium and phosphorous can greatly prevent dental problems in dogs. They can make dogs’ teeth stronger and less susceptible to cavities.

    However, it’s also worth noting that you should also increase the Vitamin D3 intake of your dog if you supply them with more calcium and phosphorous. Excessive amounts of these nutrients can cause hip and joint problems in dogs, and this is why they should be regulated with Vitamin D3.

    There are also natural remedies that you can do in your own house. Apple cider vinegar and lemon have anti-bacterial components. Adding a tinge of lemon to your dog’s water or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar can help resolve bad breath.


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