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The Best Herbs To Help Your Dog's Stomach

By TLC October 22, 2021 3 Min Read
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    Stomach aches are some of the most common ailments among dogs. According to some research, some dogs can encounter stomach aches at least three times every month, and this is why it’s really important to know how to treat them.

    However, regular consumption of stomach ache medications can be dangerous to your dogs. Frequent veterinary visits could be quite expensive, too. This is why it’s important to learn alternative remedies for stomach aches, such as herbal treatment.

    What are the causes of stomach aches in dogs?

    To properly aid your dog’s stomach ache, it’s best to know its reason first.


    The most common reason for stomach ache is indigestion. This can be caused by eating too much, consuming prohibited food, or engaging in strenuous activities right after a meal. Dogs are more susceptible to indigestion than other pets, which is why it’s highly recommended that you give them digestive supplements.


    Anxiety and stress can also cause stomach aches in dogs. They are animals of habit, and this is why a change in the environment, daily routine, and everyday meals can cause irregularities in their bodies.


    Bacterial diseases, fungal infections, and allergies can also cause stomach ache. 


    Lastly and the most serious one, stomach aches could be a precursor to major illnesses such as kidney failure, liver cancer, and pancreatitis.


    What are the herbal remedies for stomach aches in dogs? 

    Before we head on to the list of herbs that could ease stomach aches, it’s worth noting that you should first consult your veterinary. You should only use alternative medicines if it’s verified that stomach aches are only caused by minor gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion.


    The first herb that can help you ease your dog’s stomach ache is dill. Dill is rich in antioxidants that can solve indigestion among dogs. Aside from stomach ache, it can also relieve nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms of gastrointestinal ailments.



    The second one is ginger. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since it’s also used as a herbal treatment for humans. Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compounds, so it could reduce the symptoms of bacterial and fungal infections in the stomach. It can also ease nausea and stomach upset brought by motion sickness. 


    The next one is Italian parsley. Parsley is also rich in digestive anti-oxidants that can aid the digestion of dogs. You can give parsley to your dog every day. Just grate one leaf and mix it with your dog’s food, and you’re good to go!


    The fourth one is licorice root. Aside from its digestive compounds, it also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compounds like ginger. Not only can it relieve gastrointestinal problems, but it can also relieve itchiness caused by allergies and atopy!


    Lastly is rosemary. It can aid dogs’ tummy problems related to gas, such as bloating and flatulence. It’s also verified safe for elderly dogs. It’s also known to be rich in Vitamins A and C, which can boost your dogs’ immunity.


    These herbal treatments for your dogs can help them live an even healthier lifestyle! 


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