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What Is Kibble And Is It Good For Dogs?

By TLC October 05, 2021 3 Min Read
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    The food that you will give to your dog is probably the most important decision you’ll ever make on your pet journey. While treats and chews sure are important, food is still the primary source of nutrients for your dogs’ bodies.


    Kibble is the most common dog food. While lots of people feed them to their dogs, some say that they can actually be harmful. Should you keep on giving kibble to your dogs?

    What Is Kibble?

    Kibbles, or dry food, is manufactured dog food. They normally look like bite-size crunchy grains. For most brands, kibbles are formulated combinations of beef, pork, fish, grains, and other sources of vitamins.


    Most of the time, kibbles are fed to dogs straight from the box. However, they could also be mixed with water or milk to produce chewy food. This makes kibbles more digestible. This process is highly recommended for dogs who are experiencing indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems.

    What Are The Benefits Of Kibble? 

    Just like we’ve mentioned, dogs can eat kibbles straight from the box; so there is no need to cook special meals for your dogs every day. This is the most common reason why dog owners highly prefer them.


    Aside from this, kibbles have a longer shelf life compared to raw foods. They’re manufactured with preservatives that make them last for a couple of months. This makes them less susceptible to bacteria and fungi buildup, which can cause major illnesses to your dogs.


    Kibbles are very easy to store, too. Just place them anywhere dry, and they’re safe. You don’t even have to store them in the refrigerator.


    Another benefit of kibbles is that they’re manufactured with the essential nutrients most dogs need. For example, almost all kibbles are equipped with iron and zinc. These two nutrients are essential in producing energy and boosting the immune system.


    The last benefit of kibbles is that they’re pretty much everywhere. You can buy them not just in pet shops but also in regular grocery stores. You wouldn’t run out of variations, too, since almost all pet health brands produce their own kibbles.

    What Are The Risks Of Kibble?

    Like we mentioned a while ago, kibbles are made with preservatives to prolong their shelf lives. Most people believe that these preservatives can harm your dog’s health in the long run. Some even claim that they can trigger cancer.


    While it could be true, it’s worth noting that all animal foods released in the markets are pre-approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


    Aside from this, some kibbles can also trigger allergies in dogs. Dog breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Dalmatians, and Shih Tzus are more prone to allergies than others. 


    Lastly, it’s almost impossible to address your dog’s personalized needs with kibbles. Say, for example, your dog has hip and joint problems; they need more Omega 3 and 6 than regular dogs. Supplying them with more nutrients will mean filling up their dog bowl more, which may lead to indigestion.


    For some dogs, kibbles can fill all their nutritional needs. On the other hand, kibble can cause harm to others. The best thing to do is to consult your vet. Remember that it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to your dogs’ meals!


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