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Fungal Infections in Dogs Explained

By TLC May 14, 2021 3 Min Read
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    Dogs can contract various kinds of diseases such as bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. While the first two are dangerous, fungal infections can also pose real threats to our dogs’ health when left untreated.

    Nutritional supplements can help avoid the risk of a fungal infection in your dog. Nutritional supplements to help with fungal infections, like joint supplements for dogs can be found online and in the Wuffes store.

    What are the causes of fungal infections in dogs?

    Just like bacterial and viral infections, fungal infections can be contracted through the surroundings. Your dog can acquire them through being exposed to another affected animal.

    However, some fungal infections can be caused by substances that are naturally present in dogs’ bodies, such as yeast infections. Yeast is present in dogs’ skins, but excessive amounts of it triggered by moisture and humidity can cause yeast infection characterized by irritating flaky skin.

    Most fungal infections can be prevented through proper hygiene and a healthy body. This is why it’s important that while you’re keeping your dogs clean and beautiful, you’re also boosting their immunity from the inside.

    What are the kinds of fungal diseases in dogs?

    External fungal infections consist of fungal dermatitis and ringworm. They are both characterized by flaky and itchy skin, which can cause inflammation, wounds, and even excessive hair loss.

    While they're easier to resolve compared to internal fungal infections, open wounds can trigger bacterial infections. The discomfort caused by itchiness can also lead to unruly behavior, lack of focus, and decreased appetite.

    On the other hand, the first kind of internal fungal infection is Aspergillosis. This is caused by fungi buildup in the nose area. It can cause excessive sneezing and nasal pain. When left untreated, the fungi can go down the respiratory tract and cause nosebleeding and other respiratory complications.

    Another kind of fungal infection that may harm the respiratory system of dogs is Blastymocosis. This is mostly found in large breed dogs such as Labrador Retriever, Bloodhound, and German Pointer. It causes coughing and fever. When left untreated, the fungi may further spread and lead to eye and urine problems.

    The last kind of internal fungal infection is Histoplasmosis. This is caused by Histoplasma fungi which can be found in nitrogen-rich soil. It targets the digestive system, specifically the small and large intestine. Because of this, the main effects of Histoplasmosis are vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite.


    What are the possible fungal infection remedies?

    Each kind of fungal infection has its own remedy. For fungal dermatitis and ringworm, medicated shampoo and topical antibiotics would be given. It is also highly recommended that you introduce your dogs to food supplements rich in Vitamin E and Collagen as they can help with the healing process of the patches and re-growth of fur.

    On the other hand, internal fungal infections need more serious treatments. Some can be aided with oral antibiotics, but the extreme cases might even need surgery. At times like these, it is best that you give your dogs rich amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, and Iron for muscle strength and immunity boost.

    As dog owners, you must familiarize yourself with all the possible ailments that your dog can encounter. Remember that early detection is always the key to successful treatments.
